
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tanners of All Ages...Come One Come All!

Tanning has been given a bad rap for the last 25 years!  Although it has it's benefits, the myths are as hard to overcome as the global warming hoax.  It may take a WikiLeak to overcome.  Once again, tanning is being attacked, as well as parental rights on the national and state front.

Utah legislators voted on a bill this session that will override parental consent that, by the way is already regulated by the state, and require anyone under 18 to have a parent accompany them to each tanning session and sign a waiver at each instance.  Regulation already exists that require a parent or guardian permission to use a tanning facility.  Physician/Fitness Center assisted use of a tanning unit is still exempt. (Same equipment, different facility,).  Apparently, a doctors note legitimizes using the same equipment in a medical facility.  As with the Obama Health Care Mandate, Fitness Centers & Doctor's are exempt and legitimized, Tanning Salons are stigmatized!  The Tan Tax initiated in July 2010 is a good example of the double standard.  

Although people of all ages are prescribed tanning for many health problems,including Vitamin D deficiency (10 minutes is all you need to combat it), media of all types, refuses to recognize these benefits and continues to create negative advertising to perpetuate the myths.  There is still hope to overcome the negative press and myths.  Oprah's beloved Dr Oz is even taking a second look.  Guarantee if your local news reports something, it will be one sided.  There are resources to help get the truth about tanning out there, and I applaud there efforts.

As a business owner in Utah, what I thought would be a simple business to start as a family business, has turned out to be more difficult that expected, and now with the government further regulating our industry whether state or federal it seams they would like to put us out of business.  It is easier for a young woman under the age of 18 to purchase birth control and the morning after pill (RU-486) without her parents permission than it is to get a tan, weather recommended by a physician to combat SAD or Achene!  Something is wrong with government overriding parental consent on either of these subjects.

Please Help Fight Unfair Tanning Restrictions in Utah:

Please encourage your friends and family to help fight this legislation.
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The Fight Goes On!
Here is the latest...

Utah Legislative Alert
Help Defeat the Utah’s Teen Tanning Restrictions
March 1, 2012
Attention Utah Indoor Tanning Professional!
We encountered a major setback yesterday when the Utah House passed a bill requiring a parent to be present each time anyone under the age of 18 suntans in your store.  This action sends the legislation to Governor Herbert and we are urging the Governor to veto this outrageous  intrusion of the state into our private lives.
We have set up two new links, one for business owners and employees and one for customers. 
Business owner and Employees Against Utah’s Teen Tanning Restrictions
Citizens Against Utah’s Teen Tanning Restrictions
To get the numbers we need for a veto, it is imperative that you get your customers involved.  Even if your customers don’t have children, this type of legislation should concern them.  What’s next?  A doctor’s note to suntan? 

Please read the Comments for further understanding.  Remember the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller :

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Let Freedom Ring!

Links for Story Above: